Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The last few days...

Dad, Emily and I are sitting here in the living room shooting the breeze. Chicken Little is on the TV letting us know that the sky is actually falling this time. Dad and Emily are engrossed in a conversation about Emily's car and such related things. I think dad is confused.

So last night Emily and I went to see Nickel Creek in DE. Let me tell you, they are amazing! Chris Thile is truly a virtuoso on the mandolin. Sara Watkins can sing like an angel and Sean is a great compliment to the group. Even the tap dancing bass player added to the show! A certain plus to the evening was the aquiring of a Chipotle burrito before taking off :-) I love me some Chipotle! We had a great time and I think she enjoyed her birthday present just as much as I did ;-)

Today the mission was to go to Dad's house and get the laundry done. We also stopped at the dry cleaners to drop off my suit to wear to Dad's wedding and to get some new glasses as I'm pretty shure that Chubbo steppped on my old pair while I was in Ohio this past weekend. I was anticipating spending about $200 and I spent less so i guess that was ok. They're almost identical to the old ones except these are 'Brooks Brothers' and the old ones were 'Scott Harris.' If you know the difference then I applaud the depth to which you have studied Eye glass fashion.

On a happy note, I've been chosen to receive a full scholarship to the Bartimaeus Institute in Santa Barbara, CA! I'll be going January 14-18, all expenses paid to study Matthew and social economics. It may not sound all that exciting but I am totally stoked. I haven't really applied for anything like this before so it's kind of a shock for me to get chosen. Regardless, I am very excited :-)

Well, that should do for now, have a great night!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sam and Krista's Wedding

This blog comes to you from the Starbucks next to gate A3 in the Columbus, OH. I'm currently sitting at a table looking out the window as planes take off while sipping a latte and blogging to you. I feel like a yuppie only without the money and fancy clothes.

The weekend is over. It's a little bitter sweet. I'm excited to get home and see Emily and get back into the swing of things but I had a lot of fun with my guys in Ohio. It was like a mini-escape from reality.

So here's a recap of the weekend...

Thursday I arrived in Columbus and Sam picked me up from the airport. We immediately went to pick up my tuxedo and buy some stogies :-) I like stogies. When we arrived at the Men's Wearhouse it turned out that my tux pants were too small (I'm getting fat apparently) so we had to go back the next day when they had new pants for me. Then it turned out that they were too short so we waited while they let them out a little bit. I didn't try them on afterward so i was unaware that they were then too long and I would have to wear them so high that it felt like I had a perpetual wedgie...

So, Sam's mom has been in a nursing home, in Cleveland, for a little while now and he and Krista (now Mrs. Sam Selvage) had arranged for Sam's mom to come down to Columbus and stay in a nursing home for a few days so that she could be at the wedding. Late in the day on Thursday, about 5 pm, Sam gets a phone call from his sister saying that he had to get to the nursing home in columbus stat because they are all of a sudden not accepting his mom. Frantically Sam and Krista drove to the nursing home to straighten things out to no avail. Finally Friday morning Sam was on his way over to lay down the law and they called him and had made everything right. Mama Selvage was coming to the wedding, phew! How's that for wedding day stress!

Late Thursday night I got to hang out 2 on 1 with Krista and Sam. This was truly fantastic. they asked me to read their vows for congruency and I got to preview the slide show. Now, I had met Krista's parents when we saw Harry Potter 5 over the summer but I didn't have a chance at the time to realize what incredible people they are. They are so obviously in love with each other it warms your heart to be around them. Krista had a copy of her parents wedding vows that she let me read and if you've ever listened to a song and said to yourself 'I wish I had written that' then you know exactly the way I felt when I read them. It was poetry, it was beautiful, it was honest, and most of all it was filled with love. There isn't much else to say about it except that if you ever get the chance to meet Jeff and Cathy Barber then you are a lucky person.

Friday was devoted to all things wedding. last minute details were ironed out and we prepared for the rehearsal dinner. I spent most of the day with Tom which was good times. The rehearsal dinner was great. there was some drama about place cards that I chose to smoke through but other than that everything was great. Later that night I went to Eddie's house to drink, and play cards. After that was the infamous Micky D's run that you can read about in my last blog.

Side note: It has become aware to me that once you enter seminary, you become the default grace sayer/authority on all religious things to your friends. It's kinda nice. I do like more than five minutes to prepare something to say for grace but I find that as long as you're honest and speak with sincerity and humbleness you'll be just fine.

Saturday was wedding day. Here's a word of advice. If you are about to have a wedding, do not take your groomsmen anywhere with a name that in any way resembles 'Hoggy's Barn.' Barbecue is sure to make for a smelly ceremony. That's all I'll say about that.

After lunch we had plenty of time to waste before pictures so we milled around for a while. At this point I am a little frustrated with Jason's driving as he get's lost going everywhere. We quite literally got stuck in a roundabout for two times around. He's a chubby bitch.

The ceremony was beautiful. Sam cried like a little baby and Krista fought it back well. I was a little nervous about the ceremony because the groomsmen, myself included, did not behave in the slightest during the rehearsal or even up to the point that we walked into the church. It was almost as if the holy spirit stepped in and sut our traps for 40 minutes. I can't imagine anything else having that kind of power... The music was great. Our good friend Chad played the organ. They didn't do the wedding march. I don't know why everyone gets down on the wedding march, I love it. They did do the traditional exit music though, it's great, very triumphal and telling. I digress...

The reception was all kinds of fun. I got to hang out and dance with my Jenny, I miss my Jenny and I like to dance so that was good all around :-) The Frat Boys sang to the bride which was fun for us but I'm sure the bride was less than amused. I always get to conduct in these situations which is fun for me too. I had very little to drink at the reception despite my previous desires. I had a drink with dinner and then got up to dance and such and never made it to the bar. Don't be disappointed in me, I had a blast and I'm sure the photographer got plenty of picture of me dancing like an idiot, but really, what else do you do at weddings?

Jason and I got a hotel room by the airport, I drove us there as he was tanked. We made a pit stop at the gas station for a six pack of Leinenkugel, 2 bags of chips, 2 40's of Bud Light, and 2 bottles of Champagne. We changed out of our monkey suits and went over to Tom and Deb's room for a while. We played a game that I don't know the name of but Bri and I apparently rock at it. If you can guess Geneva Convention in 5 words then you may be worthy of competing with us. Otherwise just stay home.

This morning I had to wake up Jason. This is worth mentioning because if you've ever tried to wake up a 360 pound man with a hangover you know where I'm coming from. I threw pillows, turned on the tv and the radio, made coffee, opened the curtains, made sure the balcony door was open to get the cold air in and I still had to jump on him and given the amount that boy sweats it was probably not the best idea I've ever had. Gross... We finally got out of the hotel, grabbed some lunch at 'The Rusty Bucket' where they have Hoegarden and deep fried pickles. I love food that is bad for me... We proceeded to get his pictures developed which will be on face book at any moment and then he dropped me off at the airport.

All in all it was a great weekend. Sorry for the length of the blog but there are a lot of things that I want to be able to remember down the line. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Selvage!