Saturday, March 15, 2008


So... It's been a pretty good day. I spent the morning in the LTSP (That's the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia for those of you playing the home game) archives removing staples from church documents from the mid-nineties. Then I spent a few hours with Kuhn followed by a trip down to Home Sweet Home Brew to get a new beer brewing kit with Paul. Unfortunately I was not expecting this next thing to happen.

Paul and I have gotten to be pretty close friends and some would say, including us that we share a fairly dysfunctional brain... We were going to live together next year in the Ho house and everything about it seemed great. It was going to be reassuring to have some around to connect with while Emily was on internship in Toledo, OH for a year starting in August.

There has been some turbulence with the staff here at the seminary. We're losing a total of 4 professors at the end of the year and they, specifically, give many students a reason to come here. Well, Paul's reason for being here seems to be leaving which makes me kinda sad. I was looking forward to us living together next year and having a lot of fun.

So now I'll be looking for a new roommate or coming up with a way to stay in my apartment next year. Emily's friend Mindy wanted to live here but if I don't find a roommate I'm not leaving.

I'm glad that he'll be going somewhere that will help him grow as a liturgist/pastor. I guess this sounds kinda dopey....

So right now we're making beer with our new kit and watching stranger than fiction with Emily and Annette.

So I'll be missing a lot of people next year. It's not like I won't be busy though. I'll have field ed at the New Jersey Synod Office of Governmental Ministry and the student body is voting to change the constitution so that I can run for SB President. Hopefully I'll get it.

I just needed to get that out. Anyone need a roommate?

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